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There is something deeply satisfying about a well manicured and cared for property, don't you agree? Often, it's easy to attain with a simple trim and mow. Sometimes it's weeding, or planting a some new shrubs, hanging fresh baskets of seasonal flowers, or simply adding fresh bark to an existing garden bed. Or maybe that faded, peeling bannister or fence just  needs a fresh coat of paint.

I'm Kim, and since I've been a little girl, nothing has given me more pleasure than playing in the dirt,  making things grow and making things beautiful. My parents taught me the value of hard work, how to appreciate the little things, planting, tending the garden, and  taking time to make our humble place on this earth the best it could be. Though they are now absent from my life, the values they instilled in me are deep and enduring.

My husband and I have been married for 34 years and have lived  in North Idaho for the last 23 years. Raising and home educating our two girls has afforded me the time and pleasure to enhance every home we've lived in - whether a rental or our own. And now that they are grown and gone, I have been itching to create a small business doing the things that I love the most, for others!

I look forward to meeting and working with each of you, and to further assist you in your endeavors to create a more pleasing and profitable business of your own!

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